Crawl before you walk…

Ok, so we are going to start things off a little slower this time. For those that don’t know, I am a computer nerd by trade. I mention that to tell you that this is the second time I have built this website. The first time, I got a little bit big for my britches… and well… I kinda broke it. We have a wealth of knowledge at our finger tips (the Internet), and as usual, I went HAM before doing any research.

The moral of the story is that it is good to charge in, but do it with your eyes open. Charging blindly into something, even something for fun, can lead to you running smack dab into a tree. Even with all of my old hobbies (woodworking, DIY) and my newer hobbies (3D printing, YouTube, shooting), I try to make sure I have done at least some research to educate myself. I never want to be the guy that buys all the wrong stuff and wastes a bunch of hard earned money because I was too “cool” to take a little time to research things upfront.

Be good to one another.


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